
How to become a Certified Crop Adviser

  • You must pass both the international and Louisiana exams. The study material necessary to study for the exams can be obtained from the CCA Board.
  • You must have a B. S. degree in agronomy with two years of crop advising experience, or have four years of post high school crop advising experience.
  • Complete the ICCA Credential Packet within six months of passing both exams
  • Sign and agree to uphold the CCA Code Of Ethics.
  • The Louisiana CCA Board will review your credential packet.
  • After you are granted certification from the Louisiana CCA Board you will receive a CCA number, certificate for framing and a wallet size card. You should also consider putting the CCA name and Logo on your business card.
  • You must receive 40 hours of continuing education every two years to maintain your certification. You can start to receive CEU'S as soon as you are given a CCA number.


Benefits of Being a Certified Crop Adviser


  • You establish yourself as a professional in the crop advising business.
  • You will be proud knowing that you have distinguished yourself from the peers in your business.
  • You will be respected by your customers, employers, and other agricultural industry persons for your knowledge, skills and crop advising capabilities.
  • Your commitment to the CCA code of Ethics distinguishes you from others in your field.
  • You have shown a commitment to improve yourself in the field of crop advising.
  • You will be required to have 40 hours of continuing education which will increase your knowledge, skills and education in the crop advising field
  • Becoming a CCA could improve your job opportunities and potential earnings


Who Should Be a Louisiana Certified Crop Adviser


  • Any person offering crop advice in public, private and commercial sectors
  • Consultants and farm managers including self employed farmers
  • Educators, extension personnel and other government persons associated with the agricultural industry


Membership Dues


  • International Membership Dues: $65.00 per year
  • Louisiana Membership Dues: $15.00 per year